"Nature creates man, but society develops him and shapes him"
V. G. Belinsky

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About public associations Information

A public association is a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit organization formed on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests to achieve common goals defined by the charter of a public association ...

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Our team! Info

The main goal of our activity is related to the use of the rights and freedoms of citizens in building a civil society, contributing to the support of their ideas, improving the quality of life by maintaining the health of the population, raising the cultural and educational level ...

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Media Info

The Fergana branch of "Yuksak Salokhiyat" actively cooperates with the media. Information about our activities is communicated to the population through television, social networks: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram channels, websites ...


"A healthy woman is a healthy family"!

Providing high-quality information to women of reproductive age on reproductive health and rights, contraception, prevention of negative phenomena of early and consanguineous marriages, breast cancer, as well as training women in self-examination in this matter.

Institutional development

Carrying out organizational work on the institutional development of the organization, improving the material and technical base of the Fergana branch of the public association "Yuksak Salokhiyat", as well as training employees, increasing their potential and training volunteers.

"Your health is in your hands"!

Information and educational activities on external migration, prevention of human trafficking and HIV/AIDS in the Fergana region.

"Healthy Woman - Healthy Family - 2" 2022-2023

Continuation of the project "Healthy Woman - Healthy Family" 2020-2021, in order to expand the range of regions covered in the Fergana region to provide quality information to women of reproductive age, on reproductive health and rights, contraception, prevention of negative phenomena of early and consanguineous marriages, breast cancer, as well as training women to examine themselves in this matter.

"To be healthy - to identify the problem in time"!

Implementation of a social order for the provision of ECG devices - 10 family medical centers from the separated regions of the Fergana region

IPPF is a program for the prevention of early and consanguineous marriages among young people in the Fergana region, through the training of peer-to-peer trainers from among young people, training and education of volunteers.

Training of future trainers, volunteers from among students on the principle of "Peer-to-peer"

"The youth of Ferghana - for a bright future!"

With the support of the Eurasia Foundation within the framework of the program “Social Innovations in Central Asia”, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID

"The right to work!" 2024.

In the Ferghana region, within the framework of the large project "Activating the potential of civil society to strengthen labor rights and employment of vulnerable groups of citizens and promote transformational economic reforms", funded by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor of the U.S. Department of State, ACTED.


In accordance with Article 56 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, trade unions, societies of scientists, women's, veteran and youth organizations, creative associations, mass movements and other associations of citizens are recognized as public associations.

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"Healthy Woman - Healthy Family - 2" 2022-2023.

Fergana branch of the public association "Yuksak Salohiyat" Within the framework of the project called "Healthy woman - healthy family-2" on March 3, 2023 in Buvayda district - for 105 people, on March 10 in Kuva district - for 65 women activists, patronage nurses conducted a seminar - the training was organized. Leaders of the movement "Oqila ayollar" in Buvaida district of Fergana region also actively participated in the seminar.

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Purpose of the workshop: to provide quality information and services to women on mahalla registries on reproductive health and rights, contraception, early marriage and the negative effects of intermarriage, prevention of breast cancer in women of reproductive age.

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These activities were conducted jointly with qualified specialists of the Ferghana Regional Reproductive Center and the Regional Oncological Dispensary.

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There were 3 types of manuals and booklets handed out to the participants during the workshop.


The leadership of the Fergana branch of the "Yuksak Salohiyat" public association Expresses gratitude to deputy khokims of Buvayda and Kuva districts, chief nurses of district health departments for practical assistance in organizing the seminar at a high level.


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"Your health is in your hands"!

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April 4-5, 2023 Fergana branch of the public association "Yuksak Salohiyat" in the framework of the project "Your Health - in Your Hands!" in Kalacha settlement of Kuvasay city in secondary schools № 17 and 18 for students of 9-10-11 grades to raise awareness of youth on methods of HIV/AIDS prevention and spreading.

Trainings on "HIV/AIDS prevention" were conducted.

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"Healthy Woman - Healthy Family - 2" 2022-2023.

February 28 this year at 14:00 in the conference hall of the "Asia" hotel in Fergana, the Fergana branch of the "Yuksak Salohiyat" Public Association organized a Round Table meeting in the framework of the project "Healthy Woman - Healthy Family-2". The main specialist of Administration of Ferghana oblast, Women and Family Department, Head of maternity and child protection unit of Provincial Health Department, Head of Regional Health Department, Director of Provincial Reproductive Center, Deputy Director of Ferghana Regional Oncological Dispensary, Heads of maternity and child health departments of districts, Chief Nurses of Kokan, Kuvasay, Buvayda, Uchkuprik, Kuva, Yasamalaki, Yuzhno-Kumkol, and others participated in the event.


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The main goal of the event is to strengthen cooperation between the above organizations in preventing the negative effects of early and inbreeding marriages, preventing breast cancer and educating women about self-examination.

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"To be healthy - to identify the problem in time"!

The Fergana branch of the public association "Yuksak Salohiyat" won the State social order of the Public Commission on Social Partnership under the Fergana Regional Council of People's Deputies. On February 27 and March 1, 2023 a regular meeting of the Public Commission on Social Partnership was held. presented the project "To be healthy - in time to identify the problem! Under this project, the Fergana branch of "Yuksak Salohiyat" NGO purchased 10 ECG machines for remote family doctor's offices.

The Fergana Branch of NGO "Yuksak Salohiyat" purchased 10 ECG machines for remote family doctor's offices.

🔵 The meeting was attended by Jamshid Mukhtarovich Hatamov, Deputy Khokim of Fergana region for relations with public and religious organizations, members of the Public Commission for Social Partnership, senior officials of the Regional Health Department, representatives of public organizations and the media.

💬 In addition, the speakers responded in detail to questions posed by the participants.

The meeting was opened by the deputy khokim of the region J. Hatamov, who talked about the ongoing work on development of civil society in the region, the opportunities created for NGOs, the importance of state social partnership, the results of mutual cooperation between government organizations and NGOs in 2022.


After that tasks were given to responsible organizations about social order realized by Fergana branch of NGO "High Potential", i.e. importance of ECG devices which are delivered to remote districts and cities of the region. , взаимное сотрудничество в укреплении здоровья населения и непрерывное бесплатное обслуживание населения этими машинами.

At the end of the meeting, the ECG machines were handed over to the doctors of family medicine centers.

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"Healthy Woman - Healthy Family - 2" 2022-2023.

Fergana branch of the "Yuksak Salohiyat" public association On March 30, 2023 within the framework of the project program "Healthy woman - healthy family - 2" a seminar was conducted among women of reproductive age, registered in the registers of mahallas, and among 72 visiting nurses on "Negative consequences of early and kinship marriages and training in prevention of breast cancer and self-testing". We express our gratitude to Madinakhan Ismailovna Mamatova, Deputy Khokim of Uchkuprik District, Head of Family and Women's Department, and Yulduzkhan Tokhirovna Usmanova, Senior Nurse of the District Medical Association, who organized these events at a high level.

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Fergana Regional AIDS Center

The tasks of the Republican AIDS Center include:

  • Implementation of organizational and methodological manuals for the activities of regional centers involved in the fight against AIDS;
  • implementation of preventive, epidemic, diagnostic, therapeutic measures aimed at preventing the spread of HIV infection and the diseases caused by it;
  • Conducting specific epidemiological studies to identify and evaluate active signs that accelerate HIV transmission...
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Department of Public Education of Fergana region

The main tasks of the Ministry include:

  • implementation of a unified state policy in the field of education aimed at the comprehensive development of general school and out-of-school education, further increasing the level of spiritual, moral and intellectual development of students;
  • implementation of a system of organizational and methodological measures for the introduction of 11-year secondary education by ensuring the mutual integration of secondary schools and institutions of secondary specialized vocational education;
  • implementation of comprehensive measures to ensure the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages in general education institutions, orienting students to the profession and improving labor education;
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Fergana branch of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan

The main objectives of the Union are:

  • formation of a healthy lifestyle, environmental culture among young people, especially young people who are not members of trade unions, their wide involvement in systematic physical education and sports;
  • to support talented young people, create conditions for them to realize their creative and intellectual potential, involve them in scientific activities;
  • to protect the rights and legitimate interests of young people, to support their desire to master modern professions, to involve them in entrepreneurial activities;
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Agency for External Labor Migration of Fergana region

The main tasks of the Agency for External Labor Migration were:

  • Assisting citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan in exercising their rights to work abroad by effectively managing and controlling the processes of selection, training, adaptation and employment abroad;
  • participation in the development and implementation of projects of international cooperation in the field of labor migration, interaction with the competent authorities of foreign states on the regulation of the processes of employment of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad and ensuring their labor rights;
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Health Department of Fergana region

The main tasks of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its local bodies are:

  • implementation of the state health policy in accordance with the state program of health system reform;
  • ensuring the state-guaranteed level and quality of free health care for the population;
  • creation of modern clinics that meet international standards, including attracting foreign investment;
  • organization and strengthening of the system of emergency medical care for the population at all levels of government;
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Department of Family and Women of Fergana region

The main tasks of the Department of Family and Women's Affairs are the following:

  • in-depth study of the origin of domestic violence and the factors and causes of women in a difficult social situation, providing them with socio-legal and psychological assistance, improving the system of ensuring their rights and legitimate interests, preparing analytical materials and scientific based on recommendations on the socio-demographic situation of families;
  • organization of conferences, seminars, meetings on topical issues in the field of family and women's support, training of highly qualified scientific personnel in this field, continuous improvement of the professional level of scientific personnel;
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Uzbekistan, Fergana, ul. B. Marginonium, 105
